Geographic Information Systems Collaboratory
Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Objects on this page must be used with the Google Earth client. To install the free Google Earth browser go to the location linked above and follow the easy instructions. These files are from various sources - those marked with a * were made by Patrick McHaffie. There is lots more information about Google earth at Google Earth Community bbs.
Chicago Maps
a new location map
(for Google Earth Users)
Lincoln Park, Chicago, 11-24-1938 (new) historic aerial photograph 4mb
Glenview, IL 11-20-1938 (new) historic aerial photograph 4mb
ge files/chicago 1901 usgs topo.kmz
ge files/Chicago Loop Auto Bluebook 1917.kmz from the Perry-Castenada Map Library at University of Texas
ge files/female households w chil 2000.kmz *
ge files/Chicago vacant housing 2000 census.kmz *
ge files/cook_landfills_1996.kml *
ge files/cook_tri_2004_3d.kml *
ge files/chicago_elevated_map_1913.kmz
ge files/chicago_extensions_of_city_limits_1885.kmz
ge files/chicago_fire_burned_district_1884.kmz
ge files/chicago_neighborhood_types_2000.kmz
ge files/columbian_exposition.kmz
ge_files/1898 loop transit map.kmz *
DePaul University Department of Geography
Miscellaneous Other Maps
ge files/first peoples land claims 2000.kmz * This is a layer showing first nation (Indian) land claims in 2000 according to the Census Bureau.
ge files/oaxaca3.kml * This was a harrowing 8 hour drive summer 2005 with a Garmin GPS from Oaxaca (city) to Zoogochi in the Sierra Norte. We were seeking to connect DePaul students with organic coffee growers in a foreign study program.
The following three files were submitted by Heather Smith in partial completion of her Independent Studies Project, winter term, 2006.
Many thanks to Ian Hall, DePaul Geography, Atul at, and Sam Perkins-Harbin at