Geog 258: Maps and GIS

January 9 (Mon)


Fundamentals of geographic data


1. Nature of environments mapped

2. Level of measurements of attribute


Nature of environments mapped


Why study the nature of environments?


Because maps portray environments! Environments are too complex to grasp without forcing them into human constructs. For example, we identify location of features in latitude and longitude (Cartesian coordinate), and group the world into regions to make sense out of them. Human conception of environments (or nature of environments) precedes mapping, and influences mapping process.


These are some useful distinctions in human conceptions of the environment mapped

1)   Type of features: Discrete/Continuous

2)   Dimensionality of features: point, line, area

3)   Tangibility of features: Physical/Abstract

4)   Treatment of temporal elements in features: Form/Process

5)   Three component of features: Space-Time-Attribute


In the followings, I will use the term “feature” to refer to something portrayed on maps.


Type of features: Discrete/Continuous


If you have to make a map of land parcel and a map of elevation, how would they differ in map-making process?


You would probably have to record the location of land parcel using GPS or surveying equipment. What about the map of elevation? How different are they?


Some feature is discrete (such as land parcel, road, building, and so on) while other feature is continuous (such as temperature, elevation, air pressure, toxic level, ozone level, and so on). In the case of continuous phenomenon, it is necessary to devise sampling scheme. Temperature is measured in station (not all locations) and compiled to create weather map for example. 


It has an implication for GIS data → dichotomy between vector and raster data


How discrete object is stored in a computer; vector data


How continuous field is stored in a computer; raster data


The division between discrete and continuous feature is not necessarily clear-cut. Soil map usually portray the discrete boundary of different soil types, but boundaries between different soil types would be better described as transition zone instead of discrete line. 


It’s sometimes the outcome of human conception; human prefers to discretize concepts. Humans do not seem to be comfortable with being fuzzy. Actually it reflects limitations of human cognition (i.e. short-term memory).


Dimensionality of features (types of symbols)


Look at this map. Tell me how cities and roads are portrayed in this map in terms of familiar geometry (point, line, area).



City is portrayed as point

Road is portrayed as line

Great lake is portrayed as area


Geometric (dimensional)


Point: zero-dimensional

Line: one-dimensional

Area: two-dimensional

Volume: three-dimensional


Advantage of this conception is in utilizing Euclidean geometry as well as set theory


Every location can be represented as x, y coordinates in this Cartesian coordinate

Area (lake) is a closed loop of constituting lines; line (road) is a set of nodes


Any limit?


1) One geometry doesn’t fit all. For example, lake can be portrayed as point for identifying location, line for hikers, and area for those interested in the extent of lake


2) The edge of features mapped may not be necessarily crisp as it seems in the map (e.g. lake boundary, forest boundary, soil boundary, world region, climate region)


Tangibility of features: Physical/Abstract


What is the difference between land/ocean boundaries and country boundaries?


Border between Northwestern U.S. and Canada


Ocean and land boundary is tangible (physical presence) while national boundary is not tangible (artificial constructs).


Physical versus Abstract


Physical feature: lake, fault line, mountain (physically existent)

Abstract feature: property line, zone of influence (outcome of human demarcation)


Temporality of features: Form/Process


We easily forget about temporal elements of features shown in the map. Most of maps (like paper map) show the static status of features (i.e. time-stamped map). The map below (cropland harvested) is made on the basis of 1949 data. So it may look quite differently as of today (maybe much less due to the expansion of urban lands)


Cropland harvested

This map shows how cropland harvested are distributed across U.S. at a point in time


Demographic trends

This map shows how demographics have changed over different period of time (1985 to 2000 in 5 years interval).


Form versus Process


Form: means spatial arrangement of features, that is its shape, dimension, density, and pattern; it’s about how it looks; subject of map analysis (e.g. measuring distance, direction, finding route, identifying spatial pattern of disease, and so on)


Process: often has strong temporal elements in addition to form; it’s about how it works; often requires the understanding of principles behind the phenomenon; often subject of map interpretation (e.g. the relationship between interstate highway and job accessibility)


Technology changes the way maps are produced in this regard: e.g. Animated map, web-based mapping, and real-time mapping (e.g. traffic update) → more on this later


Space-Time-Attribute: three components of geographic data


If I ask what kind of information is portrayed in this map, how would you answer that?



Map portrays the potential to movement to job opportunities (calculated on spatial interaction model; data source: 2000 Census)


We are not well conscious of components of geographic data other than attribute.

But all geographic data have three components, which are


What (attribute)

Where (space)

Where (time)


Features portrayed on the map above have three components. Space component is Columbus, OH, time component is year 2000, and attribute component is job accessibility.


Reference systems (how it is measured) of three components used are respectively city for space, Christian calendar for time, and some numerical value for attribute → More on measurement scale of attribute in the next


Level of measurements


Measurement scale (or level) of attribute can be broadly divided into two categories. Some attribute are measured in a numerical scale (such as job accessibility) whereas others are not (such as world language)


Distribution of Indian tribes & language

Source: National Atlas of United States


This map can be fallen into qualitative thematic map because the measurement level of attribute portrayed (tribe/language) is nominal (not measured in number), and displays one or more particular themes.


Distribution of  urban and rural population

Source: National Atlas of United States


This map can be fallen into quantitative thematic map because the measurement level of attributed portrayed (population) is countable (measure in number), and displays one particular theme.


More specifically, measurement of attributes is organized into four levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio, listed in increasing order of sophistication of measurement

Nominal scaling

Only has a value either 0 or 1 (false or true)

Suppose we have two values say region A and region B; we can’t determine if A > B or A < B, but we can determine if A=\=B or A = B.

e.g. agricultural region (corn regions, wheat regions, soy-bean regions)

political party affiliation (Democrat, Republican, Independent)

Sex (male, female)

Response (yes, no)



Ordinal scaling

Value is arranged in a hierarchy of rank

Can determine if A > B or A < B, but can’t determine how much they are different

e.g. social power (more, less)

agreement (strongly agree, strongly disagree)

Order of arrival of contestants in footrace

         Women's race  Men's race

First    Jane          Tom

Second   Melissa       Dick

Third    Leila         Harry



Interval scaling


Know the distance between ranks

But it is not measured in an absolute scale; they are relative (has no natural origin)

e.g. Fahrenheit



Ratio scaling


Know the distance between ranks

It is measured in an absolute scale (has a natural origin)

e.g. weight, elevation

      convey more information and permit more analytical treatment



Level of measurement prescribe the information required for an attribute reference system 

Level of measurement

Information required


Definitions of categories


Definitions of categories plus ordering


Unit of measure plus zero point


Unit of measure