...Geospatial Careers
DePaul Geography is an excellent choice for becoming part of the Geospatial Technology industry. The United States Department of Labor recently singled out geospatial technology (along with nanotechnology
and biotechnology) as one of three "emerging industries" that will drive the economy over the next few decades. In many ways this is recognition for something that we have
known in geography for a long time - geospatial technology (including GIS, GPS, remote sensing etc.) is fast becoming a mainstream career option for savvy students. The unique urban setting of DePaul coupled with our strong course offerings in urban, cultural, and environmental geography make a powerful combination for those seeking marketable credentials in the field of geography.
There are several ways to become involved with this technology through the programs in the Department of Geography at DePaul. These include everything from individual courses to an undergraduate degree in Geography with a Geotechnology concentration. DePaul also offers a strong GIS certificate program that consists of several focused courses that prepare both returning students and active majors from other programs to use geotechnologies in their work. Explore the choices available for DePaul students at gis.depaul.edu. For an outside appraisal of what the career options are in this area and other relevant information take a look at the Department of Labor site. We also have direct links to an industry profile (pdf reader required) and a recent assessment of the job market from the Department of Labor. Explore geography at DePaul.
For more information on DePaul Geography programs access our online information form.