Geog 258: Maps and GIS

January 25, 2006

Relief Interpretation


Reading: Chapter 16 (Slope and profiles)


Using relief maps, you can answer many questions:


How steep is this route? → slope

Where is the steepest route?  gradient path

Find house with a good view → intervisibility (viewshed analysis)

Profiles of landform along given path → profiles



What is slope?

Difference in elevations between two points


Three ways to measure slope:


Tan(α) = y/x

α (in radian) = inverse tangent (y/x)

To convert radian to degree, multiply the value by 180/pi degree (because one radian is 180/pi)





(1)                        What is contour interval?

(2)                        What is run (horizontal distance) between C and D?

(3)                        What is rise (elevation difference) between C and D?

(4)                        What is scale ratio?

(5)                        What is scale percentage?

(6)                        What is slope angle in degree?

(7)                        What would be the walking distance between C and D assuming that the slope is linear?


where inverse tangent of scale ratio is approximately 0.12




Maximum slope at a point

If you drop water in terrain at one point, you would probably want to know how fast it would fall and where it flows. The first information can be derived from gradient magnitude (how steep) and the second information refers to gradient azimuth (direction, or more precisely defined angular distance from a reference direction)


1) Gradient magnitude


Suppose you want to gradient magnitude at point (i,j), and elevation in neighboring cells would look like below:


To obtain average slope at (i,j) at x-direction, get two slopes (one from j+1  to j, and the other from j to j-1) and calculate the average of them

Slope from j+1 to j: rise/run = (78-70)/50 = 0.16

Slope from j to j-1: rise/run = (70-63)/50 = 0.14

Average of two slopes at x-direction = (0.16+0.14)/2 = 0.15


Similarly, to obtain average slope at (i,j) at y-direction, get two slopes (one from i-1 to i

Slope from i-1 to i: rise/run = (84-70)/50 = 0.28

Slope from i to i+1: rise/run = (70-74)/50 = -0.08


Average of two slopes at y-direction = (0.28-0.08)/2 = 0.1







Gradient magnitude = sqrt (0.15^2 + 0.1^2) = 0.18

where sqrt is square root, ^ means power


2) Gradient azimuth


Tan (α) = 0.1/0.15

α = atan (0.1/0.15) = 0.588 in radian

where atan is inverse tangent

α is 33.69 º (=0.588*180/pi)


Gradient azimuth is 180-(90+33.69) = 56 º


Therefore, from the example above, it can be said that the terrain is

18% uphill at 56 degree azimuth from grid north or

18% downhill at a (56+180) degree azimuth from grid north


Finding constant slope paths


The following figure illustrates how to draw constant slope paths.



Slope = rise/run

Slope can be made constant by making rise and run constant

Rise is constant between two neighboring contour lines (contour interval is constant)   

Run can be made constant by keeping the same ground distance with divider


How much (ground distance) should be set to divider for 10 degree slope path?

where tan (10 degree) is approximately 0.176




Surface viewed from the side


Steps for constructing a profile from contour maps


1)   Draw a straight line (=profile line) on the map between the points of interest (line AB on the map)


2)   Determine range of elevation in the map and set this to the range of y-axis of profiles (0 to 500) with the same interval as contour interval (100); x-dimension of map is set to x-axis of profile


3)   Mark the points (x, y) in profiles by drawing vertical line (Dashed line) from the tangent point between profile lines and contour lines on the map. Do this for all tangent points


4)   Draw a smooth curve between points in profiles marked above




From profiles, you can derive features visible from a given vantage point. See Figure 16.14


You can determine intervisibility on the profile this way,

1)   Plot your view point

2)   Draw lines from the viewpoint that are tangent to the profile

3)   Label the visible and hidden portions of the profile


DEM, GIS, and Terrain Analysis


GIS provides functionalities for measurements of terrain features. Such measurement can be made over DEM (digital data that stores elevation value in grid format).


Slope map: calculates gradient magnitude for each cell. From this map, can you approximate how steep (in degree) is in the crater area?


Visibility map is also referred to as viewshed analysis.


GIS can calculate least-cost path, slope, aspect and visibility from DEM.


Review questions


·       How is gradient different from slope?

·       How would be gradient path used in real world? Give examples

·       (What about slope, visibility, and profile?)

·       Why is road in steep slope zigzagging? Can you explain this using the element of slope measurement?

·       Can you make precise measurement of slope from shaded relief map (like the one shown above)?