Geog 495: GIS Database Design


Unified Modeling Language (UML)

This week


Mon: OO concepts revisited (reading: RC11)

Tue: UML overview (reading: OMG 2003)

Wed: Class diagram (reading: Fowler 1999)

Thurs: Lab on UML with Visio

Fri: Lab continued; project proposal due


[OMG 2003] UML Superstructure from OMG website

Fowler and Scott 1999, UML Distilled (second edition), a brief guide to the standard object modeling language

More details on Object-Oriented Data Model

Abstract Data Types


Allows for “user-defined” data types

Promotes modularity










Representing relationships in OODM


Business rules:

Employees works at only one Facility

One employee is a manager of Facility





How are they represented in ERD?


How are they represented in OODM?



Descriptions of notations used in OO conceptual representation

(1)   Related classes are enclosed in boxes to make relationships more noticeable

(2)   The double line on the box’s right side indicates that the relationship is mandatory

(3)   Connectivity is indicated by labeling each box (e.g. each employee works at only one facility)

(4)   Write the name of relationship above the box containing related class, followed by colon (e.g. employee is manager of facility)


This diagram illustrates several differences in OODM

(1) relationship is not built by common attributes, but by reference to object; relationships are included in the object

(2) operations embedded in classes can reference other classes (e.g. facility class can return the value of the number of workers in facility by triggering method called say workers which include the reference to employee)


Note: this is not UML


Comparison between OODM and ERDM



(1)   ID

(2)   Relationship

(3)   Data type

(4)   Operation

(5)   Class hierarchy


The OO data model allows the designer to create a more authentic representation of real-world objects



Convert the following relational database tables to the equivalent OO conceptual representation.  Explain each of your conversions with the help of a diagram.




Geog 495: GIS Database Design


Unified Modeling Language (UML): Overview

Why UML?


The importance of modeling



Challenge: Shanty town                             Vision: Fallingwater


Figure source: Cris Kobryn 1999


Hard to imagine building skyscrapers without blueprints. There were no conventions that were universally accepted for describing software. Need for increasing the ease of understanding an application under development


UML attempts to provide graphical language that allows system designers in the worldwide to communicate to each other.


What is UML?


Standardized notation for object-oriented analysis and design


Standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting all the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems -- OMG UML Notation Guide



UML is modeling language: Why do we model?


Good models are essential for communication among project teams and to assure architectural soundness. As the complexity of systems increase, so does the importance of good modeling techniques. Having a rigorous modeling language standard is one essential factor for the success of project.

UML is graphic language: Why do we model graphically?


The UML use graphic notations to express the design of software projects.


Natural language is too imprecise; Programming language is too precise; so I use UML when I want a certain amount of precision but I don’t want to get lost in details (Fowler 1999).


It helps project teams communicate, explore potential designs, and validate the architectural design of the software. It’s like blueprints for building software system


That’s blueprints plural, because different workers need different views of what they’re trying to build - you need to have multiple plans. That is the reason why UML provides different diagrams.


When do you use UML?


UML can be used in all facets of system developments.


When building an object-oriented system, you can use UML to analyze users’ requirement (business modeler), design databases (database designer), write component code (programmer), and acquire an overall view of the system (project manager, customer, CEO). Different types of UML diagrams allows for looking at projects from different perspectives.


UML Goals







Building blocks of UML



Types of UML Diagrams


Each UML diagram is designed to let developers and customers view a software system from a different perspective and in varying degrees of abstraction.


Three different kinds of diagram

  1. Behavior Diagrams

Describes behavioral aspects of system

  1. Structure Diagrams

Shows the static structures of the model; do not show temporal information

    1. Static structural diagrams: class diagram, object diagram
    2. Implementation diagrams: package diagram, component diagram deployment diagram
  1. Interaction Diagrams

Represent different aspects of interactions; derived from behavior diagrams




















UML Diagrams Illustrated


Source of figures below: Terri Quatrani, 2003, Introduction to the UML, Rational Developer Network, retrieved from



Activity Diagrams


Describes the workflow of a system

composed of action state (rounded rectangle) and transition (arrow)



Swimlanes show the ownerships of controls (i.e. who’s responsible for which activity?)

Shows internal (i.e. within the system) processing










Use Case Diagrams


A set of scenarios that describes an interaction between a user and a system

Displays the relationship among actors (stick figure) and use cases (oval)

Show what is outside (actor) and the functionality that the system must provide (use case)

Good for deriving requirements of the system




There are three different ways in which use case can be realized: (1) sequence diagram (2) collaboration diagram (3) class diagram
















Sequence Diagram


Shows object interactions arranged in a time sequence

Useful for deriving user interface requirement




Collaboration Diagram


Scenario is viewed on the basis of links between the objects

Good to observe how messages are sent between the objects



Class Diagram


Shows static structure of objects and relationships used in the system under development

Model class structure (attribute) and behavior (operation)


Package Diagram


Classes can be grouped into packages so that complex class diagrams may be simplified.



Object Diagram


Shows instances instead of classes











The following two diagrams are also called Physical Diagram because it deals with physical implementation of a system


Component Diagram


Shows how software components are organized and dependent on one another



Deployment Diagram


Visualizes the distribution of components across the enterprise




Who is most likely to use which diagram? or when?

Use case diagram, class diagram, component diagram…

Extending UML


UML can’t satisfy all of system designers’ needs

UML is meant to be extended to any particular system

The following provides a mechanism that allows for extending UML

that conform to a rather rigid specification that is not modeled in UML

This is how you can create custom (user-defined) features

Geog 495: GIS Database Design


Unified Modeling Language (UML): Class Diagram



Three stacks (where they go?, naming scheme)





Relationships {what it is?, how it is denoted?}




















